Jan 31, 2012

Jugant amb la neu / Playing in the snow

La setmana passada va ser la primera vegada que Aitana veia i tocava la neu. No hi havia molta, però li va encantar. “Està fresqueta!”, me deia. Pobreta, mireu quins guants més poc professionals! Ara, cada nit me toca inventar-me una història on ella i Espinete van a la neu.

Last week, it was the first time Aitana ever saw or touched snow. There wasn't much, but she loved it. "It's cool!", she said. Poor thing, look what a pair of unprofessional gloves she was wearing! From then on, every night I have to make up a story about her and Espinete's (a Spanish character from Sesame Street) adventures in the snow. 

Thanks for your comments
Gràcies pels vostres comentaris

1 comment:

  1. hahaha, me la mengeeeeeeeeee!!! dona-li un bes gran a Aitana de la meua part...i de la de Ramon, clar :S
