Apr 18, 2013

Coping with a brother / Assimilant al germà

Soon after Christmas, and a month after Martí was born, Aitana received this present from our neighbours. They're a very kind family and I knew they had put much tought in this present.
Poc després de Nadal, i un mes després que Martí va nàixer, Aitana va rebre aquest regal dels nostres veïns. Són una família molt amable i sabia que aquest regal no era casual.

We started playing with it immediately and, immediately as well, Aitana asked me to give the baby to the father (it was attached with a rubber band).
Començàrem a jugar amb ell immediatament i, immediatament també, Aitana em va demanar que donara el bebè al pare (anava lligat amb una goma).
Some weeks later, Aitana asked for the baby to go back to his mum's arms. And last week, she asked me to give the baby to his sister.
Algunes setmanes més tard, Aitana va demanar que el bebè tornara als braços de la seua mare. I la setmana passada, em va demanar que li'l donara a la seva germana.
She has been having a tough time coping with her brother's new arrival. She was sad because she missed me and she was also angry at him. We have tried our best to manage it, always acknowledging her feelings, helping her to find the words to express how she feels and trying to find "only mummy and Aitana moments" every day.
Aitana ha estat passant per un moment difícil amb la nova arribada del seu germà. Estava trista perquè em trobava a faltar i també estava enfadat amb Martí. Ho hem gestionat el millor que hem sabut, sempre reconeixent els seus sentiments, ajudant-li a trobar les paraules per expressar el que sent i tractant de trobar "moments exclussivament d'Aitana i mamà" cada dia. 

I've been reading this book Siblings without Rivalry: How to Help Your Children Live Together So You Can Live Too, by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish. Another one of their books, How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk, is one of our bibles on child rearing at home and the one on siblings is a very interesting one too. I hope to write some of the things I've learnt soon, but, meanwhile, you can have a look at this summary. 
He estat llegint aquest llibre: Siblings without Rivalry: How to Help Your Children Live Together So You Can Live Too, de Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish. Un altre llibre seu, Cómo hablar para que sus hijos le escuchen y cómo escuchar para que sus hijos le hablen és una de les bíblies sobre criança que tenim a casa i el dels germans pareix molt interessant també. Espere poder escriure prompte algunes de les coses que he aprés, però, mentrestantpodeu fer una ullada a aquest resum.

Thanks for your comments
Gràcies pels vostres comentaris

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